
Date of Class
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Lead Instructor
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Lead Instructor Email
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Type of Class Taught
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Upload Roster and Student Evaluations here
​One class only per order please.
Quantity Instructions
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Product Details

Please be sure to read all instructions when ordering cards for your BLS students.

  1. Each card order must be for 1 class only.
  2. Please choose the date of the class from the calendar.
  3. Please enter the Lead Instructor's Name.
  4. Please enter the Lead Instructor's Email.
  5. Please choose the type of class taught.
  6. Please upload the roster for the class.
  7. Please choose whether the cards are to be sent to the instructor or if they should go to the individual students (the second option increases the cost).
  8. Please enter the number of students on the roster in the Quantity field.
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